Factors Causing Damage to Alumina Ceramics

Factors Causing Damage to Alumina Ceramics

Alumina ceramic is a kind of ceramic with a wide range of uses. because of their superior properties, alumina ceramics have been more and more widely used in modern society to meet the needs of daily use and special properties.

Alumina ceramic is a kind of ceramic with a wide range of uses. because of their superior properties, alumina ceramics have been more and more widely used in modern society to meet the needs of daily use and special properties.

Alumina ceramic is a kind of ceramic material based on alumina (Al2O3), which has good conductivity, mechanical strength, and high-temperature resistance.

So what are the factors that cause the damage of alumina ceramics?

1. External forces

One of the major factors for the wear of alumina ceramics is the strong external force.

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Generally, it is caused by the impact force and pressure in the process of operation, and its wear or breakage is caused by the strong external force, which is disadvantageous to alumina ceramics. We should try our best to avoid collisions with objects in the process of operation and minimize the damage.

2. External environment

The general environmental factors include the influence of medium, wind, and temperature in the environment, sometimes the wear of alumina ceramics due to long-term wind erosion, and sometimes the slight melting of alumina ceramics caused by high temperature. Damage; may also be due to the influence of impurities in the environment.

No matter what factors in the environment cause alumina ceramic wear, we should repair and replace parts in time to ensure normal operation.

3. Too long service life

Another reason for the wear of alumina ceramics is the wear after a long period of use, which is caused by time, which is generally regarded as a normal factor and only needs to be replaced after excessive wear.




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